What a wild ride it's been. Things move fast. Time goes by quickly. Priorities change. Sometimes, very important things get put on the back burner. The beer has always been paramount and we have kept our focus on it. However, in this period of growth, hiring, training, chasing perfection, side projects, etc, etc., certain things have suffered. Our website, to make an example, was one of those things. Our old website was, despite our best efforts, just that...old! It was in need of a facelift and a major update. Luckily...we have changed that, and we invite you to see how!
Immediately you'll see an updated look for the site. We have incorporated more high-definition imagery on a cleaner and more navigable platform.
One feature you should see right away, and it's an important one, is a button to purchase Concert Tickets. As you know, we are a very music-centric brewery and we are excited as hell about our new stage and our 2015 Summer Concert Lineup. If you click that link, you'll go to our store where you can purchase your tickets in advance for any of the acts that we have lined up for the summer.
If I may bring your attention to Sat, May 30th, we'll officially kick off the Summer Concert Series with incredible Denver band
Glowing House and very special guest (can't announce their name yet, but just know that you'll want to be here to see them)!
One of the next cool pages on our new website is a Team page - where we finally get to highlight the amazing staff that we have here at Black Shirt. You can read about our crew, get some little-known facts about them, and get a little insight into who is making and serving those red ales that you love so much!
We are an innovative brewery that is seeking to incorporate unique flavors that have never been done in beer before and to serve these beers with a different service standard than the rest of the pack. In this pursuit, we create a lot of questions as to why. Well, we incorporated a FAQs page to answer the most frequent of questions that we are asked. Check it out, you'll probably get a few answers to questions you had in your own mind...
As for the beer, you know we constantly create new and exciting things. We finally have the platform to highlight these and to explain their inspirations, their recipes, and tasting notes and reflections from the brewers themselves. You'll find 2 pages that showcase our beer. The first is a Currently on Tap page that shows exactly what's pouring in the tap room at any given point. These images mirror the ones on our menu in the tap room. By clicking on those, you can read all about the beers that are currently pouring.
You can also click on our Beer Archive page to access some of the more rare beers that we've done in the past and get to know them better as well. This part is a work in progress, but you'll see constant additions to this page as we have time in between brewing new and exciting beers for you. If you click on any of these, you can see images from the brew, the beer's inspiration, and in some cases, watch music videos from some of the musicians that inspired those beers.

As you move through the site, we have more pictures in our Gallery, we have a Swag page that will direct you to our online store where you can purchase t-shirts, tank tops, koozies, etc., and we have a Testimonials page that shows some of the great reviews we've received over the past 2.5 years. One of the next really exciting things is an updated and easy to navigate Beer Finder. We are constantly being asked which liquor stores and which restaurants/ tap houses are carrying our beer. Now you have immediate access to that list and a great map as well. If you put in your zip code, it will narrow down instantly for you.
Insider's tip: when you see numbers on the map, it means that we are being carried in that many places in that immediate area. If you click the number, it will zoom in and show you these places specifically. It's really easy to use!
You probably know that we don't have a kitchen at Black Shirt, so we bring in a host of food trucks so that you can eat well while you visit the brewery and taste our beers. We created a calendar so that:
- You will always know what food truck will be here
- You will know what kind of cuisine to look forward to
- Check for any special events that we might be hosting
- Check out the entire Summer Concert Series
We invite you to scroll through and make your plans to join us!
And the last page of our new website that I'd like to point out is the Contact page. Here you will see our hours, map to the brewery, phone number, address, etc. You'll also be able to:
- Sign up for our monthly newsletter Red Ale[rt]
- Sign up for brewery tours which happen on a first-come first-serve basis on Fridays (and can be specially arranged outside of Friday with advanced notice)
- Send a general inquiry to the brewery
- Get contact emails for sales/private parties, music booking, and a press contact
Also, maybe most-importantly, the website has been optimized for smart phones! We know how important this is in today's world and we're really excited that it's now extremely easy to navigate from your phone. If you want to give us a ring, simply click the phone number in the upper right of the site and your phone will call the brewery. No more pinching to zoom in or out, and no more left to right scrolling to get all of the info. It's right there, super user-friendly.
We hope you like the look and feel of the new website, in addition to all of the features that we've incorporated. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to pop by the brewery and bend our ear! Cheers to raising the bar, pushing boundaries, and constantly pursuing perfection!
- Chad, Branden, Carissa, and the whole BSB team